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Missing containers and login data

Apr 02 at 12:26pm CEST  –  Apr 02 at 11:59pm CEST
Affected services

Apr 02 at 05:14pm CEST

Most issues are fixed. You can use the dashboard as normal again.
There are some small issues that we are working on.

Apr 02 at 02:17pm CEST

The users are also restored again, if you could not login before, you now can. Resellers can only not accesses their clients containers yet.

Apr 02 at 01:57pm CEST

We have restored the containers. It is possible that you have no permissions to view your container. We are working on this issue.

Apr 02 at 12:26pm CEST

Some containers disappeared. We are working on a solution. Be aware that no data is lost.

We will keep you updated on this page